Graffiti with 'Fyter' written, with a man wearing a gray sweater holding a spray can to its left.Man wearing a gray sweater T-Posing

ooo what's this? wait is that transparent


Hi, I'm Fyter, and I make music.

I produce these genres:

  • Speedcore/hardcore
  • Drum & Bass
  • Jungle
  • Footwork
  • Jersey club
  • Hyperflip

Most recent song:

snare society (ARCHIVE) ยท Fyter - any meme is funny if you don't see it in a while


So, it's been a while, huh?

Didja miss me? I'm willing to say "no", since there's no real traction on this webbed site, like at all. Either way, I think some catching up would be nice.
In the past year that this website has been inactive, I have graduated from secondary school, moved out of my parent's house and into an appartment, went to college for visual arts, dropped out of college, and I am currently struggling to get a job. It's not that there's no job that would want to hire me, it's the executive dysfunction. I don't think there's been a better example of how bad (and, at this point, crippling) my executive dysfunction is until I moved out.
But, enough of this serious shit, let's talk about less serious stuff! Like, for example, Snare Society! How's that going?
(an assistant comes over and whispers in my ear) Hm? Yeah? Uh-huh. Yeah, I see. Wait, WHAT? Oh, okay. Yeah, got it.
Yeah, so Snare Society, the collective I'm mostly active in, is fucking Dead.
Yup. On April 20th (of all days), Snare Society officially shut down due to a bunch of reasons, mainly the actual community being just overall Bad. The moderators of the Discord couldn't really do anything about it, so they decided to shut it all down. And you know what? It hurt, since Snare Society was something very dear to me (I mean, I bought like 80 dollars worth of merch, I sure as hell hope it's dear to me), but if it's shit, then, I don't know what to tell you. I'm a fierce believer of "if you don't like it, you can just leave". It's a bit harder to do that when you're the person who's managing the entirety of an online music collective, but still.
On the bright side, Goop House, after almost 2 years of inactivity, is starting to make a comeback! There's been a few Goop Day events here and there, but never a Goop Week since GOOP HOUSE VOLUME EIGHT. Either way, I'm excited! See me there once volume nine releases >:3
I've recently been playing Celeste more often! I am now playing through chapter nine, Farewell, and. Yeah. It's hard. I'm not gonna pretend I didn't use assist mode at times (especially during that room where you have to time a wavedash into a dash-walljump with a moving platform), but, to be honest? I'm still having the time of my life here. The platforming here is super fun!
That is, until my controller broke.
Yeah, I was playing a game with a friend, until my A button just... Turned really mushy. It still worked, but it didn't press correctly. I recently opened it up and, wouldn't you know it, the rubber dome for the A button was PEELING OFF. That's what happens when you buy a cheap third-party controller, I guess. Thankfully, there's a store in my city that sells the Logitech F310, which is a controller that I fucking ADORE. So I'm probably going to go there and get it along with some DVD's to burn stuff onto.
Oh, I should probably mention - I have an old laptop now!! It's a Compaq Presario M2000 (sorry to you ThinkPad fanatics), to be precise. It works great! There's a bit of damage at some spots, but otherwise, works great! Playing old games on it kinda feels like playing a game on its original console, weirdly enough. It might've cost me like, a hundred dollars total (if I count the charger I had to get), but I don't really regret it all that much.
I think that's all I had to say, to be honest. I don't think the Scratch demo is gonna come out anytime soon. My sleep schedule is uber fucked (as in, I go to sleep in the middle of the day). School is practically non-existant at this point in my life. I also finally updated the version of TWiLight Menu++ on my DSi. I got an obsession with Cave Story. And that's kinda it
See you all in two years, and remember: free Palestine

The future of this webpage

Before getting into the actual update, I would like to apologize to the demoscene about my last update. I mixed the words "demoscene" with "demo" - the demoscene refers to the culture surrounding demos, while the demos are the actual programs and whatnot. Anyway let's actually get into the meat of things
As much as this page holds a special place in my heart, I don't really like it. I think I might overhaul it at some point - a lot of the things I share here aren't really things that are very entertaining or warrant going back to check up on the page other than this tiny update section and the latest Soundcloud upload I semi-regularly update (which, at this point, is just easier to follow me on SC). So, in light of being a lot better at web development since the release of my Stickmen website, I've been thinking of completely overhauling the look of this webpage. However, I don't know if I'll ever get around to it, with every project I need to get to. So, I'm putting this relatively low on my priority list.
Anyway, Fyter out. Peace!

A demoscene? On MY Scratch website? More likely than you think!

Over the past few days, I've been working on a demoscene for Scratch 3.0 using (mostly) the pen functions and whatnot. I was... Disappointed, to say the least, about the lack of demoscenes uploaded on the website, only finding a handful of actual demoscenes (most notably Opact3tyD by Griffpatch) and not just a remix of some project titled demoscene (it just takes two moving sprites on the screen and draws a line between the two). So, I took it up to myself to work on a brand new demoscene to the song of "Gender and a Metal Bat" by Frums, a rhythmically complex song which I thought fit with the demoscene feel.
Anyway, let's talk about the mathematics!
Being a complete beginner at making demos, I decided to split the finished product in multiple scenes. So far, I have created 4, and finished the first 2. The first three are as follows:
The first scene consists of the intro. The song starts with distorted vocals, so to represent it, I made it so that the sprite starts at a random spot within an area of about 20 pixels by 30 pixels, records its position to a list, shifts the area by 10 pixels to the right, and then repeats that for a designated amount of time. The reason I'm recording it to a list is so that I can then make the text wiggle when I'm drawing it. That way, when I'm telling the sprite to draw from one point to another, I can make it go slightly up, down, left or right from the point. That way, it makes it look shaky. I also created pre-made motifs for text, like the title of the demoscene and my name for credits.
The second scene consists of a shape that moves back and forth and rotates clockwise and counter-clockwise with increasing speed, as one of the sides of said shape extends ever so slightly. Making this was harder than the first scene, but it wasn't too bad; with a little bit of sohcahtoa magic, it's relatively simple to find the points needed to draw a shape with equal sides and angles. The trick is to essentially calculate equal points along a circle. Since we know at which angle the points are from the center and the distance they are from the center, we can find the X distance and Y distance from the center of the shape using sine and cosine respectively.
I'm not quite ready to tell you about how the other two scenes work as they're not quite ready yet, but I'll get to it eventually. I'm thinking of setting up an account on to make it easier for me, since... You know. I'm not a demoscener. I'm just a guy that thinks that effects using code looks cool
Anyway, Fyter out!

Ranting about school

Raise your hand if you hate the scholar system!!
In drama class, we have to essentially write in a whole new character inside of a story that was just fine without it because we have too many actors for it, so instead of finding a new piece, we need to pick the objectively worst option (it takes more effort and gives something even worse) because everyone just goes "oh, all the other ones sucked" when they. Definitely didn't. But, oh well.
In my french class, we have to make a presentation about a specific place in greece for a education travel or whatever it's called. Which, is fine. However, we (were) supposed to use some bullshit-ass iPad software to make a video with (it's called MyTalkingAvatar and it is. Not Good). Thankfully they let us actually record ourselves, but like. We're still forced to use iMovie and some green screen app instead of actually learning something new and teaching us how to use actual fucking editing software. Not even anything fancy or expensive like Vegas, something like OpenShot would work just fine. And they even provide it with our computers! They let us freely install it! So what's the deal?? AND we have to do ANOTHER FUCKING PROJECT ON TOP OF THAT. IN THE SAME CLASS. DO YOU SEE THE PROBLEM
We have to read some dumbass cheesy-ass romance book (WITH the trope-heavy characters) and we have to make like. An ad for that character for dating apps or something, like "I am Antonio, starving romantic, I like cheese and art. I am looking for a submissive woman so that I can abuse her". Which would be fine if, you know. I wasn't already working on a fucking project in the first place. One thing at a time, please - these are two really big projects.
But the thing I hate most are these 4 jackasses in my class. I swear to god, they just bother people to bother people. They're JUST annoying. The other things, yeah, they're temporary - but THESE, I have to put up for the ENTIRE YEAR.
Sorry about that - I needed to get this out. School is not fun! Anyway, look out for a new Stickmen flipnote tonight. If not tonight, tomorrow. If not tomorrow, idk sorry

Applying to college, GOOP HOUSE VOL 8, the future of Stickmen and the Youtube cleanse

Applications for college have officially been opened where I live, so I'll think I'll get to it once I get home from school (yes, I'm procrastinating rn lol). We'll see if I can get accepted for the class I want. I hope so
On another note, the eight GOOP WEEK has been finally announced on Twitter, and starts on January 21st. I don't know what I'm gonna do for the event - on one hand, I do want to start using more instruments again since I've gotten quite rusty, but on the other, GOD I'm rusty. And also I'm not the greatest at sound design. It's kinda the goal of GOOP HOUSE, experimentation and learning, but still, I don't want to make bad music. I could try and relearn what I forgot before the week starts. You know what, I probably will.
And finally, About Stickmen - will there be new flipnotes/comics coming out soon? I don't know. I started the first Stickmen flipnote as just a thing I wanted to do for funsies, without any specific rules. Now, I made it seem a little too ambitious than it really is, making a whole-ass website for it and all. And also starting a comic series for it. So while it seems like I'm gonna be updating it often, truth is, my comedy isn't something I can force out, it just pops in unnanounced sometimes. And motivation to actually make something using said jokes isn't my strongsuit either - many a times have I just dropped projects or hobbies I genuinely enjoyed because of... Reasons. I don't know why exactly, to be frank.
Which is kinda why I started a Youtube cleanse. (smooth transition, eh?) I suspect one of the big reasons I don't do things like play video games or animate or produce music is because of one reason: Youtube has been sucking up my free time. Whenever I feel a little bored, I just go to Youtube and procrastinate on my hobbies (yes, that means I procrastinate on procrastination). So I told myself "Fuck it" and installed an extension on Firefox to block websites and set it to Youtube. Good news: I can notice my instincs of going on Youtube now! Bad news: I'm browsing Sudomemo instead. It's a step in the right direction, but I still need to iron that kink out.
WOW that was a long update. I guess that makes up for me forgetting to announce the stickmen website was out. Anyway, Fyter out.

i forgot :(

hi i forgot to tell you all but the website is out at anyways that's all for me byyyeee :)

Progress has been made on the Stickmen Website!

A lot has been done since my last update! I was able to not only finish the homepage's layout and design, but also finished working on the webcomic... Thing. You know when there's like a picture and there's buttons at the bottom that lets you switch between images? Yeah, I was able to do that using JS, which. I am really proud of, since that was the first time I ever used JS, like. At all. It works with both Sudomemo embeds and pictures! All that's left for me to do is the characters page, the QnA page and the webmaster bio page, which should be easy, it's mostly a matter of writing. As a bonus, here's a couple pictures I used to test out the system:

I thought it was funny.
Anyway, that's it for this update. See you all next time!

Website for my Stickmen series is in the works...

I've been thinking about making like. An actual webbed site with actual content rather than just this empty portfolio-ass website, so I got the idea to make a website for Stickmen, a little series of flipnotes I post on Sudomemo (and, thanks to technology, Youtube as well). I've got big plans for it, including starting a brand new webcomic specifically for the series. Will I be updating it regularly? Hell no lol, expect long stretches of time before uploads. Nevertheless, it's still a fun little project I really want to make. I'll make sure to update you all once the first version is ready... In the mean time, I'll see you all soon!

Say hi to updates!

The brand new update window is here! I'll keep you up-to-date with Fyter-related activities right here! In fact, this right here is an update! For the update window! Hah!
ok i'll shut up now